COMMON BREASTFEEDING PROBLEM #3: conditioned dialling up at the breast
Some babies have what I call a conditioned dialling up at the breast. It is often very upsetting to find your baby has developed this problem.
Your little one might start dialling up from the moment you begin to prepare for a breastfeed, because he knows the feed is about to happen.
Conditioned dialling up may also seem to get worse as the feed progresses.
But a conditioned dialing up at the breast is commonly misdiagnosed as a medical condition, such as reflux, allergy, gas, wind, tongue tie, or lactose intolerance.
It's important to sort out this distressing situation as quickly as we can. We discuss conditioned dialling up at the breast, its five main causes, and what to do, starting here.
Recommended resources
When does baby have a conditioned dialling up at the breast and what to do about it? (brief and simple overview)
Reason for fussiness at the breast #5: baby has a conditioned dialling up (comprehensive)