Speak with an NDC Accredited practitioner

As part of The Possums Sleep Program, we offer our members access to group education and chat sessions with one of our accredited health professionals.

Right now, all group sessions are being run by Dr Pam herself.

Each session is 45 minutes long.

If you would like to participate in a group session with one of our NDC practitioners, you will need to sign up to The Possums Baby and Toddler Sleep Program. By signing up, you gain access these sessions, the full library of Possums Sleep content, and much more.

What can you talk to the NDC practitioners about?

During the group session, the NDC practitioner will answer questions from participants about The Possums Sleep Program and how it applies to different situations.

Our practitioner will do their best to answer as many questions as they can during the session, but please note that won't necessarily be able to answer every query. Practitioners will prioritise answering questions that are being asked by multiple parents.

Please note that a group education and chat session is not the same as a clinical consultation. It won't be possible for the NDC practitioner to specifically address the details of your own child's situation. However, parents usually find these kinds of discussions very useful as they work their way through own situations.

You can find an NDC practitioner for a clinical consultation here.

What does NDC Accredited mean?

NDC stands for Neuroprotective Developmental Care, which is the scientific name for the Possums Programs.

An NDC Accredited practitioner is a registered health professional who has completed our NDC Accreditation pathway, is currently a member of The NDC Institute and our networks, and who stays up to date with the latest developments in the field.

A currently NDC Accredited practitioner is the only health professional upskilled and qualified to deliver The Possums Sleep Program.

Image of the ndc mandala accreditation

Want to talk to an NDC Accredited practitioner one-on-one?

If you want to find an NDC Accredited practitioner near you to arrange a clinical appointment, you can locate them using our find a practitioner function.

Please note, you will be required to their pay standard consultation rates. Registration to The Possums Sleep Program does not give you any free sessions or benefits should you choose to consult an NDC Accredited practitioner privately.

Find an NDC practitioner near me