Preparing Verity to use the gestalt method with 25-day-old Riku (conditioned dialling up, positional instability): steps 1 & 2

Disclaimer: the case below is an amalgam of multiple cases that have presented to me, and is not derived from any specific or identifiable mother-baby pair who have seen me as patients. Needless to say, all names are fictional.
Verity and her newborn get ready to experiment with the gestalt method
Riku has had difficulty coming on to the breast from birth due to positional instability, and has now developed a conditioned dialling up at the breast, too.
You can find the story of the first four days of Riku's life and how difficult it was for Verity to bring him on to the breast here.
You can find what has happened with breastfeeding for Verity and her newborn in the three weeks after they came home from hospital here.
In this article, I share with you what Verity, 25-day-old baby...