Popular advice which disrupts fit and hold
Each of these below can interfere with a stable fit and hold, and result in breastfeeding problems.
Haakaa use (standard hakaa - ladybird hakaa doesn't interfere with fit and hold) while breastfeeding
Pumping while breastfeeding
Breast compression and massage
Shaping your breast to bring baby on
Using a pillow on your lap
Aiming for 'nipple to nose' when bringing baby on (sometimes referredt o as 'nipple to crown')
Waiting for a wide gape before bringing baby on
Holding baby's head in the crook of your arm
Starting with baby's face and mouth lower than your breast.
You'll find out why these things can cause problems as you work through Breastfeeding Stripped Bare. In the meantime, just keep doing what seems to be working best for your and your baby, even if it includes one or more of these things!