Babies' sleep needs
This page is part of a collection of short articles called Brief & simple, which together make up a quick summary of The Possums Sleep Program in plain language. For comprehensive information and support, please go to The essentials section of The Possums Sleep Program, and begin to work your way through the program's online text and videos.
Sleep research tells us that we can't teach babies to sleep. Sleep is like breathing or making juices in your stomach. It's not under your control or your baby's control. What's very important is to know how to look after the things that keep your baby's sleep healthy. Then your baby's sleep looks after itself and becomes so much easier to manage.
We can trust a baby's body to take the sleep they need without you having to try hard.
What matters is how best to enjoy the days for your (or your older children) outside the home, with baby being a part of this and fitting in.
I'm grateful to Professor Sophie Havighurst, Ros June, and Caroline Ma at Mindful, The University of Melbourne, for their feedback on the articles in the Brief & simple section of The Possums Sleep Program. They helped me keep the language plain and the concepts as accessible as possible. For comprehensive information and support, please go to The essentials section of The Possums Sleep Program, and begin to work your way through the program's online text and videos.
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Plan enjoyable days outside the home to help with baby sleep
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