How a partner doing paid work from home can help meet the sensory motor needs of your baby or toddler
Sensory power interventions
Go outside if at all possible. It could even be that you and the primary carer arrange that by 11.00 a.m. exactly, she will have your toddler's coat, mittens and shoes on. You need only swoop through and gather your child up in your arms on the way out - for a power run, or a moment of vigorous exercise twirling the child around in the air, or making a dash for the park.
Selected research
Antonious E, Stamoulou P, Tzanoulinou M-D. Perinatal mental health, the role and the effect of the partner: a systematic review. Healthcare. 2021;9:1572.
Antoniou E, Tzanoulinou M-D, Stmoulou P. The important role of partner support in women's mental disorders during the perinatal period. A literature review. Meaedica a Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022;17(1):194-200.